Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hip, Hip, not so hooray!

One thing about traveling to a different time zone is you get the bonus of extra hours added to your day.  Great if you're an exercise nut job and an early riser like myself.  Also great for the party-going cabin crew members who like to down the odd crew purchase or six upon arrival at the pool bar.

I have been known to indulge on several occasions.  But it just doesn't suit me.  It wreaks havoc to my exercise routine when in training mode and also causes severe bouts of panic. 'Did I really do that last night'. Believe me, it's just not worth the paranoia! I can't just get drunk quietly you see - there's always a story!

So when flying west my routine is such as this. Get to hotel.  Dump bags on suitcase stand if provided, if not the second bed becomes an exercise dumping ground.  I hang up the Julian Macdonald sky suit, draw a long bath, climb in and relax.  After all my trotters have been parading up and down the aisles at 40,000ft.  I deserve this bit of me time. I smile. I love the stillness.  From the moment I checked in at London Gatwick, to the second my stiletto stepped inside my hotel, it's been go, go, go and chat, chat, chat and just noise.  But now I am here  - quiet and happy.  It may only be for one night - but at least I get to run in the sun.

Destination Barbados is all about the barefoot beach running along the sandy shore of Carslisle Bay.  It beats beats pounding the pavements in the dreary wet UK any day. After a soak in the tub, I settle to sleep and before my head hits the pillow I'm gone.

Ten hours straight and I'm awake 5am local time and like a child on Christmas morning I can't wait to get out for my run. The best part is I don't even have to wear socks or trainers!

Running tights, bra, vest, Ipod and Garmin and I'm away power-walking down to the shore. The best thing about running in the bay is the hive of activity.  Sometimes I jog with my ipod blaring, other times I just inhale everything around me.  That's the beauty of running in different countries - there's so much more than miles under your belt to be experienced.  Local culture, weather and the waves lapping at your feet is what it's all about.

Today is a recovery run after a sick set of sprint intervals at the gym yesterday. My stride is easy and relaxed and I feel comfortable.  I pass horses being bathed in the sea, locals swimming and socialising together, and a mixed group of youngsters gritting their teeth through squats and lunges.  Everyone is so friendly and happy to be here. I can't quite imagine a similar scene on Littlehampton Beach on a Saturday morning.

You're lucky to even get a hello from a dog walker on the promenade, not like here where everyone wants to talk to you. Having said that it's usually pee-ing it down in LA. Either the weather makes us miserable, or we are just a miserable race, anyway, I am glad to be here soaking up the sun and the positive attitudes.

The scenery can really distract from the distance - before I know it I have done 7km.  2km over my planned 5km! Following a marathon plan is tedious so these kind of runs make it more fun.  I stretch out against a boat. My usual quad, calf and ooooh, ooouch ooooooouuch hip, hip...not so hooray. The hip twinges are back.  Perhaps my 40 miles of running this week has had an impact.  I get these hip twinges you see.  When I have overdone things.  Maybe it's time to rest up. On the beach with a non-alcoholic cocktail in hand.

The trouble is I'm no good at sitting still and after my shower, breakfast and a catch-up with a fellow crew member I want to go explore... 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Welcome to my Tri world

Finally.  After months of threatening ...this mad girl who's gone tri mad - is now blogging about her training and travels.

Some may yawn, some may laugh, some may be my worst critics ...but one thing is for sure my true Tri buds will read on and laugh (hopefully) as I share my experiences and adventures of training and travel as I embark on my long journey towards Ironman status.

Before I start, let me clear one thing up.  I will not be getting one of those Ironman tattoos to celebrate this feat (that's if I even make it round the course). And I certainly won't be booking another one again in a hurry. I'm thinking my body will have endured enough pain.  But lets just see. Never say never.  I never thought I fall in love with running. But I have.  Hook. Line. And. Sinker. Lets hope the love is still alive after my first attempt at a marathon on April 14th!

Ironman? For all of you non-triathlete people reading.  It's just a little 3.86km swim, that's 2.4 miles for you old timers, a 180.25km (112 miles) bike ride with a marathon run (26.2 miles - 42.2km) tagged on the end for good luck.  I figured if I get round the Brighton Marathon route I'm more than half way there.

So... 2015 is the year of the Ironman.  2013 the year of the Marathon and dozens of triathlons and running events ...and 2014 is The Eye of the Tiger... Ha, not really but has a ring to it and I will be in the Ironzone!

Thanks for reading my first post.  I'm currently Barefoot in Barbados and there's a beach waiting for me!