Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before

With less than 8 weeks to go - I'm feeling pretty reflective about my Ironman journey.  It's been truly incredible,  There's been some epic highs, and yup, there's been a few lows, where I've seriously questioned my own sanity as well as ability to complete the whole mammoth 140.6 miles.

And.  That's. Just. Nonsense. I'm determined to cross that finishing line - but I have to bear in mind that in Ironman - anything is possible... something could throw a spanner in the works on the day which could potentially stop me from achieving my dream.

But I..Just. Can't.  Think. Like. This. After all, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.  Don't even get me started on the coulda/shoulda debate.

One thing I have learnt in my Ironman quest - is there is no room for self doubt! You HAVE to be strong in the body and even stronger in mind!

My IM mantra:.'Believe in yourself and know all that you are.  Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle!'

I do love a good quote, but no sh*t - when the going gets tough, these cliches and sayings alongside my showreel of treasured memories - keep me focused to finish. And that's exactly what got me crossing the line at Tri122 middle distance event last week.

It was a fecking tough day in the office - there were so many things I got wrong.  I didn't take on enough water on the bike and my nutritional choices on the bike were all wrong. Both massively impacted my run leg, which was a complete mess - a total mental and physical battle.

I felt, sick, exhausted and heavy - something I wish never to experience again. If it hadn't been for friends on the course #teampink and my 'happy memories and mantras' whirling through my head I may well have posted a DNF.

On the plus side - I had a hugely relaxed swim, so peaceful and calm (not going to be like the fracas of the big day I know) and had the time on my life on that bike course. I felt so strong climbing up Orzola, and even chick'd two guys on their TT bikes.  They soon zoomed past me on the descent.   Somehow I've managed to grow some balls throughout this training.  I have fallen in love with climbing and I've learned to truly let go whizzing down the hills. So the race was not all doom and gloom!

I did throw a bit of a pity party post-event beating myself up about the run.. but thankfully my awesome friends reigned me in and gave me a harsh REALITY check.  I'm now acknowledging that it was a great result - sub 6... wahooo - and that's on Lanza terrain.

So what. I f@cked up my nutrition and hydration - thank heavens it was now and not on the big day I'm currently working on nailing this - and have bagged some great training testing it out. This epic fail has made me more determined in all aspects of my training. 'To turn me into something better than I was before.'

Just one more thing before I sign off.  I have to mention my beautiful friends.  Thank you for ALWAYS being there and believing in me - when at times I've doubted myself. Not just you golden oldies - but all the lovely new people I have met along the way (you know who you are). Special thanks to Gillypops for being incredibly supportive throughout #teampink and the pink lady herself @holliecraddock, who is one strong Ironchick reminding me that this IM malarkey really IS fun!

What's next?! A long bike sportive in the New Forest - Another week in Lanza for training, a local triathlon and lots of happy days creating magical memories to keep my mind filled with amazingness on the big day (Cringe).  I have just made a pledge to myself to see more friends and family in the lead up. The people what matter..  And have prescribed myself  a huge dose of fun - at least three measures a week.  There is NO room for negativity in these late stages, Lanzarote #teampink are coming to get you! 53 Days!!!

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