Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Think Like A Bumlebee - Train Like A Racehorse


Everyone who knows me will tell you I'm mad. Mad in an Alice In Wonderland kind of way. After all - There. Is. No. Other. Way.


So over the years I've learnt to embrace the May Madness and often remind myself of this quote:


The Mad Hatter: 'Have I gone mad'

Alice: 'I'm afraid so, You're entirely BONKERS.  But I will tell you a secret.  All the best people are.'



I live my life through quotes.  I love them. They motivate and inspire me.  This blog will consist of ten per cent fact and 90 percent waffle/quotes/ramblings - so, for that I apologise.  Hopefully as I share my Ironman journey the writing will improve also - but for now, as Miranda would say, bare with!


So why is 'Think like a bumblebee and train like a racehorse' My new Ironman mantra?  Sounds totally bonkers, but makes total sense.  Let me explain.  Yonks ago a bunch of scientists made an enlightening discovery... the weight and furriness of the busy buzzy bumblebee compared to their slight and delicate wing span meant that scientifically - they SHOULD not be capable of flight.


However as you and I both know - they can.  And I betcha bottom dollar the bright little blighters never even once thought they achieved the impossible. They, just did it! So what's this got to do with Ironman I hear you say well, everything. These bumbly creatures never doubted their abilities - so they grew and flew and cowabunga they were away. Simples.  So.  If you think you can you are probably right.


I CAN... I CAN... I CAN.  I believe I can do Austria Ironman 2015 and I sure as hell have plenty of time to pack in the training needed. Thirty two weeks whole weeks and 6  days to be exact. Well lets say 31 if I add on the taper. (Not sure I am a huge fan of the taper to be honest.  Me and doing nothing don't mix)


So today couldn't be a better day to start this blog.  Apart from the fact, as per usual it is pissing with rain in the UK!  Hahaha... Again, those who know me - know that 3, really is my magic number.  Perhaps maybe why I was drawn to the wonderful sport of triathlon in the first place - who knows. So with 3thirtyfrickentwo2 weeks to go I shall begin the Birds Eye potato waffling...


Back to the quote Sam. Racehorse?! What's that got to do with a friggin bumblebee?!  Well the glossy sweaty thoroughbreds just stick to their training plans and race. Don't they? They don't sweat about the small shit.  They follow a plan - and stick to it.  Religiously. And they rock up to race ready to give it their best - knowing they have put in all the hours training needed to get them to the finishing line.  They don't care what other people around them are doing. These Black Beauties just want to get faster so they focus on themselves, their plan and they work like Trojans to get there without much concern about the immediate benefits - new fangled fads and gizmos.


This is me - now. I believe I can fly and with the right training, dedication and commitment I will not only get to the start line - but will finish.  Providing I stay injury free!  That's where my SMART training comes in to play.  My triathlon journey has been rather hap hazardous to say the least.  As I'm sure has many other try-athletes.  Since the tri seed was planted at the end of 2011 I have learnt the hard way - by mistake. The biggest one led to an ankle break - but I wont go in to detail as I truly believe everything happens for a reason!  Recovering from a broken ankle was a long and rewarding journey and the past year I have learnt a lot about myself and what my body is capable of.


I recovered safely and well and had my best season to date.  I wrote a reflection piece of my epic season after achieving what at the beginning of the year I had thought would be impossible- a 5:30 middle distance triathlon.  I will post at a later date - when I can find where I have put it!


There is nothing more rewarding than smashing a goal - or achieving something you have set out to do.  That's another reason for this blogging nonsense.  I want to look back in years to come and relive this experience.  I also hope I can inspire anyone thinking of signing up or attempting an Ironman event - that 'Anything is possible.'  If Mad May can - then anyone can.  Thanks for reading. Over and out.


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