Tuesday, November 25, 2014

‘Strive for nothing less than the BEST you can BE’


Week: Monday 17th November – Sunday 23rd November


I gave up comparing myself to others a few years ago - it was a different lifetime back then.  The media industry has a lot to answer for when it comes to peoples’ hopes, fears and dreams.  It can build them up and send them crashing down will one foul swoop of depictions, portrayals and headlines. Don’t. Get. Me.  Started. I won’t go off on a meedjia rant! As Baz Luhrmann wrote:  ‘Do NOT read beauty magazines – they will only make you feel UGLY.’


What’s this got to do with my Ironman journey? Well beauty magazines certainly aren’t going to be of any help getting me to the finish line, that’s for sure – but…. Hear. Me. Out.  With a plethora of books, magazines and more importantly top athletes out there winning races, left, right and centre it’s hard not to be slightly envious of their success – I sometimes find myself thinking ‘I wish I was as good as X, Y, Z.  It’s what we do. Comparing is human nature.  But unlike these trashy Z list celebs who acquire fame for no good reason – athletes certainly deserve their glory, after all, they train hard all day every day.  Back to your point Miss May. The point is – this is THEIR job.  It’s what they do – I’m not in it to win it so I must not feel bad for being mildly average in every way.  (Unlike Mary Poppins who is practically perfect). After all that waffle the outcome is:


‘Ironman training is not about being better than someone else – it’s about being better than you used to be.’ 


This Ironman experience is just six months of my life and I’m putting everything in to place to BE THE BEST I CAN BE. I want to rock up to that start line champing at the bit to race, knowing that I have done everything I possibly could to have the best day possible. Rah, rah, rah! This week I had a lovely long chat with my newly acquired coach on Wednesday and he's assured me that he can help with the racehorse shizzle! From December 1st I am in his safe hands @P_Coach_Me (poor man doesn't know what he's let himself in for) #needyironnewbie


This week’s blog post will mainly be dedicated to the Baz Luhrmann Sunscreen lyrics as it is one of my mantra’s to life.  If you have a chance – have a listen.  Whatever mood you are in – it’s a real tonic!





(I’m currently listening on repeat as I write!)




‘Do one thing every day that scares you’


After knuckling down with revision last week I successfully passed all my SEP exams, which meant lucky me got to go to Antigua! Whoop de fook! Sometimes I have to pinch myself.  My job takes me to some amazing places, which just so happen to be awesome for training too! The thought of swimming in the bay At St James Club resort kept me going through the long days up at Heathrow.  During the week I’d managed to clock up an impressive 5km in zee pool over three different swim sessions – speed, technique and the usual fun. Mermaid mode had been activated. My first swim in the bay was so relaxing.  I am happiest when I am swimming free in the sea.  You can’t beat that feeling of just you and the ocean, oh ok, there were canoers, paddle boarders, pedolers (#isthatevenaword) but still, it beats chlorine, noisy children, slow lane hoggers and unhygienic changing areas any day.  I was able to lengthen my stroke up and down the bay and take it easy without the tediousness of turning every 25m.  What. A. Treat.  I’d clocked a house at the other side of the bay and had set myself the target to swim out to it around the perimeter of the bay on day 2. Full of great ideas me.  So even a storm mid paddle boarding didn’t put me off. (MadMay strikes again.) Thing is. If I set myself a challenge in my head I have to stick to it.  That’s. Just. Me. #Mentalist.  So off I went in search of the house.  The swim there was lush, easy and relaxed - I managed to get over to the house within 12 minutes, however, as I swam round the other side of the bay the tide had turned.   Waves were crashing in to my face and I was swimming and getting nowhere fast! I’d already been rescued by the safety boat on the Paddle board, but, no one knew where I was now - a black cap was also #stupidchoice, so it’s not like anyone could see me so far out!  I started to panic but got my head down and ploughed in to the waves – there was a boat heading towards me and I had visions of me being bulldozed and left for dead!  Hahah.  But I just kept on swimming like a Forest Gump of the sea. And gave myself a good telling off!  ‘Tho shall not be so adventurous on my next open water swim post storm down route.’ Well, perhaps next time I should at least tell the crew of my swim plans or wear a bright hat! This is a typical numptyism of Sam! Thankfully, I made it back in one piece and actually enjoyed the challenge. #sickbitch


Swim totals for the week:  Training time: 2hrs 43 minute Distance: 8km (BOOMSHAKALAKA)




Get plenty of calcium.  Be kind to your knees – you’ll miss them when they’ve gone

Ok, this quotes got nothing to do with cycling but its Baz Luhrman quote week remember:

I prefer: ‘Cycling – put the fun between your legs.’


Three long school days meant I had no time to bike during the week – apart from my single day off on Thursday.  Thank heavens for #WattBikes is all I can say! Although, I’d rather be out on my bike in the fresh air than sat like a twat on a stationary bike in a gym full of people - pedalling nowhere very fast.


I must treat myself to a Turbo Trainer soon – but my new living arrangements means I don’t actually have the space to drip with sweat in the comfort of my own home.  Thank heavens for Chrissie Wellington’s Ride Harder series. Get on the bike – pop in my headphones and hey Presto, I am being coached by a four time world champion telling me to ‘feel the burn, love the burn’.  Standard warm up then interval sets and blocks of riding hard, then fast with minute recoveries in between.  The first time I listened to it – the music was hugely motivating – but now on my 1005th playback it has become a bit of a drone. (That is my only complaint) Chrissie’s unique and infectious enthusiasm will never tire –and I find this programme hugely motivating – especially after a long day of learning.  Having someone to kick you in to touch is just what you need. And she is just a legend.  Anyone training for an Ironman should read her book ‘A Life Beyond Limits’.  What she has gone on to achieve in such a short space of time is truly remarkable and she has battled a few demons of her own.  There’s Ride Harder 1, 2 and 3.  1 is just 40 minutes, 2 is 60 and 3 is 97 – all are challenging and you will sweat buckets if you do them!  Depending on how long I have, and how long I can be bothered to sit indoors on a bike – I mix and match the tracks to the fit the amount of time I have available.  This week I did two one hour sessions.  Then on Thursday I hit the roads as it was dry and crisp and I felt strong and powerful powering up Bostal Hill (those sessions really do help!)  I just need to stop being such a pussy on the descent I get so #godarnscared. Perhaps I can practice in Lanzarote next month.  There’s plenty of hills to be found there!


Bike totals for the week:  Training time: 3hrs 20 minutes Distance: 94km (only 32 of them out on the road!)




‘Remember the compliments you receive.  Forget the insults, if you succeed in doing this, tell me how’ 

I know, I’m going off on one with these Bazism’s but will explain later.  In the meantime:


‘Hills. We love them. We hate them.  They make us strong.  They make us weak.  I chose to embrace the rolling hills of Antigua’.


This was the week of the run.  Of late I have become slack and lazy with element of training.  Post ankle break I air on the side of over cautious in the wet UK terrain.  This week there was no excuse – I was off to the Caribbean with work for sun, sea and RUNning (of course). I’d banked a 5km run in creepy Crawley on Tuesday pounding the pavements at night… so come Saturday morning I was raring for a sunlight run. Antigua is great for running – as it’s so hilly.  An awesome way to strengthen those big engines while soaking up some of the Caribbean lifestyle.  I decided to ditch the Ipod so I could take it all in, Yah man. The first hill out of the hotel had me panting but as I got into a relaxed rhythm it felt comfortable. Everywhere in Antigua is beautiful, green and luscious no wonder Eric Clapton decided to live here. 3km in and I’m greeted by a man on a donkey carrying what can only be described as a sword… I’m a bit dubious, but none the less give him my widest nasher smile say ‘good morning’ and continue to jog on. Before I know it I’m 6km in and halfway up Shirley Heights - a huge hill 490ft above sea level.  But I don’t go to the top as I’m out of steam – I turn and trot back to the hotelio, after all I needed to save all my energy for paddle boarding fun! As I run through the little town locals clap and shout me and for a split second I feel like an athlete. One local shouts ‘you go girl, doing great.’ So I think of Good ol Baz and hold on to this compliment to power me home. Running strong, free and now confidently! On day 2 I treat myself to a barefoot beach run along the sand.  Great workout for the butt!


Run totals for the week: Training time: 2hours 46 minutes. Distance: 26km


Other fitness related activities this week:


The standard two Bodypump classes, a great tri specific strength and conditioning set with #tritart - And who could not forget my 45 minutes of Paddle boarding fun! There’s deffo a SUP tri event in me next year!


Total extras: 3hrs 10 mins


Total weeks training times: 11 hours 53 minutes. Not. Too. Shabby


I will leave you with this one last thought:

‘Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes your ahead, sometimes your behind… the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.’

Good. Old. Baz.  Until next time peeps

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