Friday, December 5, 2014

Some seek the comfort of their therapist's chair, others head to the corner of the pub and dive into a pint - I chose running


You know you are a runner when your immediate response to any conflict or problem  life throws at you is 'I need to go for a run'

And boy does it give good results.  Issues, lets face it.  We. All. Have. Them. Some more than others, but none the less - whatever demons or worries you have - they're all relative - to you and you alone.  And no one else can help you overcome them - apart from yourself.  That's one thing I have learned in my 33 years of existence.

Behind every triathlete or TRYathlete like myself, there is a story.  I won't bore you with mine - but a lack of excitement drove me to the sport and not long after entering the wonderful world of triathlon a stagnant relationship failed and a new one emerged full of bikes, gadgets and lycra.  Then I wondered why anyone would want a relationship with all these fun exhilarating events to throw yourself into, huh!? Who was I tri-ing to kid

Jokes aside though - triathlon is a fantastic focus and has been a welcomed distraction for me in the past few years.  At first it was an o-so-social thing at my local health club, but as it's reeled me in - I soon became hooked. As I continue to develop and improve in the sport I find myself just wanting to push even more boundaries. Isklar Norseman Xtreme Triathlon anyone? Back to the point of running as therapy Samantha, dear.

For anyone who knows me - I am reactive.  I. Can't. Help. It. So when life throws a bit of shit my way I react rather than. STOP. PAUSE. RATIONALISE.  I am getting better at these three things, and we all cope in our own little ways.  But I urge any of you to STOP - THINK and then RUN before reacting or doing or saying something you later might regret. 

Someone once told me this quote and it has stuck with me for a long time:

'If you are depressed you are living in the past.  If you are anxious you are living in the future.  If you are at peace you are living in the present'

And isn't this so true.  I had a bout of anxiety this year and it was to do with worrying about things out of my control! So silly!  Anyway.  Living in the present (not one wrapped by Santa) but thee here and NOW - this is one thing I am getting better at . 

You cannot change what's happened in the past.  It's gone.  Forget.  Move on.  Do cherish those memories that are worth clinging on to - but remember they are just memories. And STOP worrying about the future and what it holds.  Sadly, no one has a big crystal ball to look in to and predict what's going to happen - and there's no point worrying about what you think might happen.  Be present in the moment.  And BOOM that's where running comes in.  Fall in love with your feet again.  When the worry hits grab your trainers and GET. The. Fuck. Out!  If you are like me you will only drive yourself bonkers overthinking shit that really isn't worth worrying about.  My great friend Russell B sent me a funny picture quote by text this week. (Another 'frwiend for life' who I met through local triathlon.)  He, knows how I love a good quote - but it made me roar with laughter.

 It reads: I've got 99 problems and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head that I'm stressing about for absolutely no logical reason.'

So instead of stressing put your best foot forward and get your run freak on! Music is also just as good, when mixed with running can provide AWESOME happy results as I discovered on today's run along the Cancun strip in Mexico.  All of my worries subsided as I just inhaled my surroundings - I couldn't believe it when a happy lil' Mexican high fived me!  #simplethingsmakemesmile. A lizard jumping out from the bushes and on to the pavement gave me the fright of my life, old ladies laughing and joking at the bus stop waiting for their ride.  It really is the simple things.  Go get out - and see what's about.  I dare you.

My top ten RUN HAPPY tracks (in no particular rating order)

1. Taylor Swift - SHAKE IT OFF - (does exactly what it says on the tin)

2. Jubel - Klimgande - Reminds me of good times in Lanza @hollie4kona

3. Delerium - Silence - Reminds me of my clubbing days and my bestie Kimbo

4. Danny Byrd - Sweet Harmony - Got to love a bit of D n B

5. OT Quartet - Hold That Sucker Down - Makes me want to put hands in air

6. Carte Blanche - Veracocha

7. Van Halen - Jump

8. Calvin Harris - Sweet Nothing

9. David Guetta - She Wolf

10. The Shapeshifters - Lola's Theme

'Give the girl the right pair of running shoes and she can conquer the world!'Amen to that running sisters and Tri bro's ha!


1 comment:

  1. Feel I have two best feet, so stressed which is really the best one to put forward.........:) x Another great read thanks Sam xx
