Tuesday, December 2, 2014

‘Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated’

Week: 31. Monday 25 November - Sunday 31st November

Another great training week, another tough call to pick an apt opening quote!  Jeez there’s just so many good ones out there to choose from. This week’s (above) is borrowed from my dudemuffin mate, Ben-jam- (who’s currently) in New Zealand lording it up.  So this one’s for you fishface - it was going to be: The distance between your dreams and reality is called discipline.’

And that I am. Disciplined. Yes,  I am taking this training seriously.  And guess what - I am actually blardy loving the focus and structure of this Ironman shizzle.  I am actually raring to go.  Lets hope I can keep this enthusiasm up for another 30 weeks! But lets not forget that I keep it fun - at all times.  You won’t find me skipping a group ride, or a run because I’m training in my ‘HR Zones’.

Two paragraphs of waffle and I’ve still not covered much.  So lets cut to the core.


'You NEVER regret a swim'  (well, I never do)

Sadly no Caribbean open water sea swims for me this week. Shucks.  Back to the chlorine pitt for some 25 metre pensioner dodging at Virgin inactive,  A chilled out warm down 1km swim/post jet lag cleanse on Monday.  Wednesday was a pool toy extravaganza working on technique - I find that drills make a 3km set whizz by. Got talking to a mate who recommended some strange looking finns,  Aqua Sphere Alpha Finns -  http://www.wiggle.co.uk/aqua-sphere-alpha-fins-1/

So they’re on order! Thursday had a post run 2.5km swim before jetting off to Lanza…but for business this time (#TFTS toflytoserve), not pleasure (cycling) #smilesintheaisles

Swim time: 2hr 15 minutes Distance: 6.5km



'Life is a beautiful ride'

Good old Sussex by the Sea.  I get to travel the world, but you really can't beat a ride here #homeiswheretheheartis in the crisp winter sun, along the waterfront, or escaping the roads for the hidden hills.  Monday I did a loopio up to Arundel just to blow away the post jet lag cobwebs. Tuesday I met my friend Sarah Jouault - truly incredible and inspirational woman. In the last 13 years she has raised more than 100k for a host of charities.  She's raced for Britain 7 times and ranked 1st in her AG at Bolton Ironman as well as the big Dance, The World Championships, Kona !  So I was happy for her to share all her top cycling tips with me as we attacked the four hills of Arundel in the rain.

Saturday I biked to my ‘happy place’ The Guarana Bar, Sydney Street www.guaranaco.com  YOU. MUST. GO! And treated myself to a wheatgrass special, Acai Smoothie and a warm Guarana Punch (new winter warmer - couldn't resist) I had already clocked up 40km through the rolling hills so I needed some fuel for the way home. And that is. Just. What. It. Is.  Google Guarana for the full benefits (what I tell everyone to do if hey need a full explanation for anything - surely you don't want me to waffle on) Anyway - it's like a natural stimulant - think speed for a health nut job like me. Anyway I'm always #buzzin after my fix.  I love the stuff so much that I've bought my own selection of powders to make my own smoothies.  They include: Jungle Love (said to be a natural aphrodisiac formula), Jungle Gym and Jungle Super Energy Boost with Acai.  I could tell you a funny story about the Jungle Love -but I don't want to cause any red faces, nor, do I want to embarrass that special person #DM.  Count yourselves very lucky because I'm sharing my favourite Banana and Berry Ball Bike Buster recipe below (no, it's not the Jingle Jangle Jungle Love one!)

Bike time: 7hrs 8minutes  Distance: 205.2km



 The hardest part is deciding to go' AND.... 

Run like there's a hot guy in front of you and a creepy one behind you!

I've really got my running mojo back of late thanks to my Caribbean canters in Antigua.  Can't beat the Sussex sea air and just running free.  Those of you who've shirked on the run because of the weather. Man. The. Fuck. Up.  Once you're out it's positively refreshing. That's all I am going to say on this front.  Also, It's late, I am tired and I fly to MEXICO tomorrow.  (yes, I had to rub that in)

Run time: 2hrs 50minutes Distance: 23.3km

Total kilometres covered: 235KM BOOM

Other fitness related shenanigans:

BodyPump x 2, Bodybalance  x 1, Running up and down the Boeing 737 - touching the trolley, touch the galley top -

Sam’s Power Beetroot Smoothie

You will need:

Kenwood Smoothie2Go machine - or a substandard whizzer/blender


250ml Beet It - Beetroot juice

100ml Alpro coconut milk

1 teaspoon - or table spoon if you want to blast it of Jungle Super Energy Boost with Acai

2.5 Tablespoons frozen blueberries

1/2 or if you are feeling greedy a whole banana - I prefer the ones that are going black

3 cubes of ice

How to make:

Simples.  Add all the magical ingredients to the jug part of the blender and turn on full power for 2-3 minutes. (squatting while waiting for it to mix is optional as is dancing) but avoid making at unsociable hours as with the ice cubes it does sound pneumatic drill like.  Perfect if you want to wind up the neighbours.


You will be #buzzin after drinking this and will want to go put the fun between those legs (aka ride like the wind on your bike)

END NOTE: You have one month to finish the book of 2014.  Make the last chapter a perfect one.  Until next time folks!

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