Wednesday, January 14, 2015

If it doesn't challenge you - It doesn't change you!

Travel brings power and love back to your life

For those of you that know me well- travelling and exercise are my drugs of choice.  I’m addicted. I simply cant get quite enough of either. When the shit hits the fan I grab my trainers and runaway (quite literally).  Thankfully, my job and triathlon allow me to feed both of my addictions.

Last year was a toughie and when I couldn’t quite fathom it all out I ran.  Not far, far away but to a place that for some reason has always remained close to my heart. Lanzarote.  If you haven't been. GO.  You. Will. NOT. Regret.

It’s truly magical - spiritual even- it’s the only place I can switch off, relax and feel like ME.  Maybe it’s the vast spacious volcanic terrain, the strength of the wind, which creates crashing and memorizing waves - or just the warm blistering heat, whatever it is me and Lanza have some kind of spiritual connection.

I first visited the rock in 2007 and have repeatedly returned. It's the only place that has a hold over me. I spent three glorious weeks there in July and took the time out from life that I needed to reflect on life, cycling through the lava fields helped me to gain back perspective.

Lanzarote is precious beautiful and SO. Is. Life.  Cherish. Every. God, Darn. Moment - we never know when our time is up.  I also met some inspirational friends for life.  This place pulled me from a dark hole and helped me rekindle my passion and lust for life… with a little help from my new found friends.   I will cherish these memories to my grave.

Travel is a lot like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed.  That is why the best trips, are like the best love affairs, they never really end.  Which is why I keep going back for more.

And what a great way to kick start 2015.  I found myself a lovely apartment with stunning sea views and I spent the first week of January swimming, biking, and running absorbing in the natural beauty and positive energy that the island offers. I fell in love. All. Over. Again.

I slept like a baby - and for hours... and as weird as it sounds, I believe my guardian angel, or higher power came to visit.  On the third night I had the most vivid and strangest experience.  I awoke from a deep sleep to see someone hovering over my bed.  This spirit, or angel, Christ knows what it was - pressed their hands down on my shoulders in a very reassuring way and whispered ‘Everything is just great’. Of course, I knew this already because the moment I stepped off that Airbus A319 - it felt like I was home.   My soul had awakened.

This may sound strange to some of you folk - but since breaking my ankle last year I have become more in tune with my spiritual being - and I have someone to thank for that.  A great friend of my mother's, Clive, who is now a great friend of mine. Anyhow, he gave me spiritual healing throughout my recovery,  placing his healing hands over my broken bone and as if by magic the healing process both mentally and physically became a journey, not a chore. I honestly believe he filled me with strength and tightly knitted 'dat' ankle bone back together to allow me to continue to pursue my dreams with the sport I love.

I contacted him as well as friends as I needed reassurance - what did this visit mean?  I think I kinda knew deep down it was a sign- but wanted confirmation.  I had entered Austria Ironman in the June before I had my life-changing Lanza trip, because I wanted and needed a focus to pursue.  But the destination meant nothing to me - it was all about the journey to IM status. My new found friend, Miss Hollie Cradduck, (@holliecradduck) who is one hell  of an inspiration had already tried to persuade me to change my entry to Lanza.  Funnily enough she had entered into Austria, (weird coincidence, or fate, who knows) but then deferred because she fell in love with the island THAT much she moved there! That, and the legend only went and qualified for Kona, so for her, it was the perfect warm up race.   See, the rock has some kind of magical inexplicable hold on many.  Anyway - - read her amazing journey here:

Clive confirmed what this vision meant: quite simply - I was in safe hands. That was all I needed!

To cut a long story short - it is clear my heart is in Lanza - the dreams, the experiences - the happiness it brings me… meant one thing.  I. HAD. To...  Switch Ironman and do the course - not for anyone else but myself. It has meaning. I am trying to ignore the fact that it is probably the second hardest Ironman course in the world.  But.. if it doesn't challenge you - it doesn't change you!  I know when the going gets tough - my memories will keep me focussed to stay on course to the finish line.

I must mention something else too.  Because it is spooky.  It also echoes how precious life is. One of my closest girlfriends, Gill, visited the island at the end of December with her hubby-to-be and had a horrifically terrifying ordeal.  I won't go in to detail. But the island took care of them and they both live to see another glorious day.  Their wedding is June 28th, which incidentally is the same date as Austria Ironman. Again, another sign. They are beautiful people inside and out and I am  honoured to be able to share their special day with them. So, there you have it. Lanzarote Ironman, I am coming to get you and then I shall go to the ball (Gill and Russ's wedding).... and they all lived happily ever after.  The end.  Well, not, quite... Sadly, life is not a fairy-tale for most.  It is a struggle and a journey but it is who you choose to be at your side every step of the way that makes it all worthwhile. Peace and love to  you all, I have a feeling that 2015 is going to ‘ROCK’.
Para, para...PARADISE - The view from my apartment!

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