Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Success demands planning and perspective and most importantly PASSION!

Remind yourself nobody is built like you - design yourself!

Following my heart and switching to Lanza Ironman meant a bit of jiggery pokery with all things Ironman this week.  Alongside my usual solid training (The power of three, and I am not talking Davina McColl)  3 x of each discipline swim, bike and run as well as three strength and conditioning sessions my time was spent productively rehashing my race calendar.

What’s even more exciting it now I have THE perfect excuse to get out to Lanza every month in the run up to the big event. After all I’ve got to acclimatize, practice climbing all those thousands of metres in those brutal wind ‘haven’t I?  Goodbye dismal UK winter, hello paradise Island. Yes, I am very, very lucky.  But then I am a firm believer in you live the life you create and it really hasn’t always been this way.  

Although I will probably be saving money in the long run to switching to this event, (cheap flights, accommodation and no bike transportation costs as I am going for the hire option thanks Pro Bike)  I still have to stick to a budget.  This triathlon hobby of mine is rather expensive.  Some may think I live the highlife - but it’s really Champagne lifestyle on lemonade wages.  Coaching, my one luxury took the hit - so I’ve reverted back to self-coached TRY-athlete. Lets hope my choice pays off coaching vs training trips to Lanza every month… your thoughts?

Pulled my finger out this week and with a little help from my book: Start To Finish: 24 Weeks To An Endurance Triathlon and my fantastically knowledgeable triathlon fwiends I’ve formulated my own training prescription. I’m truly blessed to have such helpful and supportive network (hey you guys Gooniestyle - thanks a million) - but that’s the triathlon community for you - just a lovely helpful like-minded bunch of peeps.

Incidentally there’s an AWESOME race planner free with this month’s issue of Outdoor Fitness and having adopted some geek tendencies from a fellow full time cycle geek buddy of mine I’ve pimped it up with highlighter pens and stickers and it now sits proudly above my bed.  There really is no escaping.  Any excuse to buy a bit of stationary too. And with less than 18 weeks to go until the big day… my training/race calendar looks a lot like this T2 minus the colour: (bit like it’s owner, rough around the edges) picture to following when I am back on UK turf.

17th - 18 weeks
24th - 17 weeks
31st - 16 weeks BIG TRAINING WEEK

7th   15 weeks
10th - Go to Lanza Wahoooo ever BIGGER training week
14th - 14 weeks - Volcanic Triathlon in Lanza
21st 13 weeks - Big long 100km plus ride
22nd - Brighton Half Marathon
28th - 12 weeks

7th - 11 weeks
14th - 10 weeks (Easy training week)
19th - Lanza tripette Moderate
21st - 9 weeks -  Tri 122 Middle Distance Race
28th - 8 weeks


4th -7 weeks Big training week
11th -6 weeks -  Biggest hardest training week to date in LANZA
18th - 5 weeks - Easy week - although I am tempted by another race in Lanza this space
25th - 4 weeks

May - holy shit - it’s getting close!!
2nd -3 weeks
9th - 2 weeks - Big training week
16th - 1 week
20th - Start taper fly to Lanza 
23rd It’s SHOW TIME!  (JAZZ hands in the air)
24th - PARTY TIME!

There's still bits to juggle about - if there's a local race and I'm not working, I. Shall. Partake  The plan is to race twice out in Lanzarote so I can get to grips with the climate and test out nutrition and sportwear etc. Far more beneficial than racing in the polar extreme and currently Nordic conditions of the UK. The British tri season only really kicks of in May too - and that's too late for me!
Anyway, I have to stop planning, and writing and start DOING.  I need to feel the wind on my face!  BIKE TIME!  But remember, a goal without a plan - is just a wish!


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