Thursday, April 23, 2015

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you

The universe is always speaking to us, sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to STOP, listen look around and believe in something else, something more…

More to life than Ironman?

Time. Time. It’s all about time.  Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.
All in good time, dear...

The warning signs were all there and the universe had definitely been trying to warn me to slow down - but I carried on regardless and look where that’s left me.  With a broken foot.

So, my Ironman quest is over, for now, who knows what the future holds but for the meanTIME I'm turning out, tuning in and coping out and getting all spiritual again.

Isn't it funny how things happen. Ten days ago I was sat on a sun lounger in Antigua having a most deep and meaningful conversation with a beautiful colleague who I’d just met.  Kirstine.

Warm, approachable and fun - she’s just one of these people you feel compelled to be around.

After sharing stories it became very apparent that we had more than wearing a Julian MacDonald BA uniform in common. We’d both moved out of home at a young age, and perhaps not had the best relationships throughout our lives.  We’d been addicted to various things to distract ourselves from ourselves and had become very good at running away from our issues.
Incidentally, I must add that on the flight over to the sunshine island I’d lost my Garmin 910XT, which had fallen out of my work handbag.  Falling, being another interesting theme and warning sign, perhaps?

Anyhow we were discussing my ankle break last year, my father’s death, my link to Lanzarote and how the Ironman journey had become my focus and consumed all of my TIME.  Our lives could not be more similar, as we chatted we unravelled many more links. K too had taken shelter from the madness of life and had attempted to start a new one over on the rock and in recent years we had both discovered spiritualism and healing on our pathways to find inner calm. It was all spookily uncanny!

Our chats continued on the night flight back to the UK.  I knew then we’d become great friends and that our paths were meant to cross. Upon landing in to the UK my watch had not been returned. I sat on the crew bus feeling emotional, deflated and ridiculously sad about my watch.  Kirstine reminded me  that it was ‘only a fucking watch’ and that there was more to life than a piece of plastic.  Her Scottish humour and no nonsense approach was soothing, if it had been anyone else mind, I might have told them to feck off.

To cut a long story short, the watch was found, and my sanity marginally restored - but it left me questioning what my life had become. It was rush this, rush that, get this 6 hour bike done, 4km swim set nailed, wham, bam, good effort Sam.  Sleep, eat, train, repeat, upload to Strava - work, fly, here, there and everywhere.  I had become so consumed with it all, completely and utterly absorbed in to a world of exercise.

Fast forward to 'The fall' and I was back in Lanza for my last push and final BIG training week ahead of Ironman with a suspected broken foot.  Of course it wasn't broken I kept telling myself as I drove towards Costa Teguise in my hire car. It. Just. Cant be. Slightly concerned I text the lovely Paul, a friend, and swim coach who I’d had the great pleasure meeting last July on my life changing Lanza trip. He insisted I pulled over at the next exit, he’d pick me up and take me to hospital to get it all checked out. My worst nightmare was confirmed, broken 5th metatarsal and stress fracture. Initially, I was in pieces, my IM dream shattered, as well as my poor tootsie.

After a huge glass of MTFU and some strong words to myself - I soon regained a reality check. Paul said all the right things and made me realise in the grand scheme of things - it was not the end of the world. I simply cannot thank him enough for everything he has done for me in the past week. Translated at hospital, waited patiently, been an amazing host, cooked, taken me shopping, kept me from crying, made me laugh, lots, he’s been the light at the end of what could have been a very dark tunnel. Thank you Paulo.

Friends have been INCREDIBLE.  Once again I am reminded of all the amazing peeps I have in my life right now. Inundated with lovely messages, jokes, pictures… people offering their help in anyway that they can.  I am just so overwhelmed with the kindness.

Tragic news has also helped me to gain perspective.  A fellow buddy due to share the Lanza course died suddenly last Thursday.  A group of us had formed on Twitter and over the past few months we'd shared training tips, words of encouragement and support to each other on our road to Ironman status, he had been even more excited than me about earning his medal on those challenging lava fields. As a group we had also all agreed to wear pink visors #teampink in honour of @Holliecradduck niece, Rosie. We have all been in complete shock and disbelief at how life can be taken away in a heartbeat, - he was the same age as me FFS. My stomach churns thinking about this loss. I keep looking back at our last What's App conversation in complete disbelief. He was such a character - agreeing to dye his beard pink.  Knowing that he will never be able to experience crossing the IM finishing line breaks my heart, but also drives me to pursue my dream again once I am fixed. So in the scheme of things not being able to complete an IM this year is a minor bend in the road that is life.

So what's next? Er, swim, swim and more swim....I have already booked my favourite local Raw Energy Pursuits event - The 3.8km River Arun Swim to give me a new focus. I HAVE to have something to train for, That's. Just. Me. I'm sure I will do their other events too, The Littlehampton River front festival swim and the River Adur swim.  Like a Mermaid on a mission, I will train with my great channel swimming friend, Mike - who is also convincing me to consider the Henley Bridge to Bridge 14km in August.  That's like an Ironman for water lovers, right?! And there's a few more Mad Hatter events in Cornwall that tickle my fancy too.  If you can think of any more I'd be interested in - drop me a line! There is no question of doubt about this...I will be back out to Lanza come race week (May 19-26)to take on the huge role of chief cheerer/supporter for #Teampink crew.  Yes folks, I may not be able to run the course, but I sure as hell can hobble it and holla shouts at my beautiful able bodied buds.  You lot are going to ROCK it!

This journey to IM status aint over - it's only just begun. Tom, thanks for sharing this... and RIP you get up in the morning, think about how precious life is to think, to enjoy, to love

I MUST be a MERMAID I have no fear of great depths and a great fear of shallow living!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before

With less than 8 weeks to go - I'm feeling pretty reflective about my Ironman journey.  It's been truly incredible,  There's been some epic highs, and yup, there's been a few lows, where I've seriously questioned my own sanity as well as ability to complete the whole mammoth 140.6 miles.

And.  That's. Just. Nonsense. I'm determined to cross that finishing line - but I have to bear in mind that in Ironman - anything is possible... something could throw a spanner in the works on the day which could potentially stop me from achieving my dream.

But I..Just. Can't.  Think. Like. This. After all, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.  Don't even get me started on the coulda/shoulda debate.

One thing I have learnt in my Ironman quest - is there is no room for self doubt! You HAVE to be strong in the body and even stronger in mind!

My IM mantra:.'Believe in yourself and know all that you are.  Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle!'

I do love a good quote, but no sh*t - when the going gets tough, these cliches and sayings alongside my showreel of treasured memories - keep me focused to finish. And that's exactly what got me crossing the line at Tri122 middle distance event last week.

It was a fecking tough day in the office - there were so many things I got wrong.  I didn't take on enough water on the bike and my nutritional choices on the bike were all wrong. Both massively impacted my run leg, which was a complete mess - a total mental and physical battle.

I felt, sick, exhausted and heavy - something I wish never to experience again. If it hadn't been for friends on the course #teampink and my 'happy memories and mantras' whirling through my head I may well have posted a DNF.

On the plus side - I had a hugely relaxed swim, so peaceful and calm (not going to be like the fracas of the big day I know) and had the time on my life on that bike course. I felt so strong climbing up Orzola, and even chick'd two guys on their TT bikes.  They soon zoomed past me on the descent.   Somehow I've managed to grow some balls throughout this training.  I have fallen in love with climbing and I've learned to truly let go whizzing down the hills. So the race was not all doom and gloom!

I did throw a bit of a pity party post-event beating myself up about the run.. but thankfully my awesome friends reigned me in and gave me a harsh REALITY check.  I'm now acknowledging that it was a great result - sub 6... wahooo - and that's on Lanza terrain.

So what. I f@cked up my nutrition and hydration - thank heavens it was now and not on the big day I'm currently working on nailing this - and have bagged some great training testing it out. This epic fail has made me more determined in all aspects of my training. 'To turn me into something better than I was before.'

Just one more thing before I sign off.  I have to mention my beautiful friends.  Thank you for ALWAYS being there and believing in me - when at times I've doubted myself. Not just you golden oldies - but all the lovely new people I have met along the way (you know who you are). Special thanks to Gillypops for being incredibly supportive throughout #teampink and the pink lady herself @holliecraddock, who is one strong Ironchick reminding me that this IM malarkey really IS fun!

What's next?! A long bike sportive in the New Forest - Another week in Lanza for training, a local triathlon and lots of happy days creating magical memories to keep my mind filled with amazingness on the big day (Cringe).  I have just made a pledge to myself to see more friends and family in the lead up. The people what matter..  And have prescribed myself  a huge dose of fun - at least three measures a week.  There is NO room for negativity in these late stages, Lanzarote #teampink are coming to get you! 53 Days!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Nutrition: If you don't eat according to your goals don't expect to reach them - Primal for power!

Food glorious food...

I have confession... My name's Sam and I'm a foodaholic. Like many women I've always had an unhealthy relationship with food. It's always been a kind of love/hate thing we have going on.  In my 20s' living the London lifestyle I survived on dust and Diet Coke and would probably have sold a kidney to be just 7lbs lighter.

And as for the latest quick-fix fads I've practically tried them all - everything from the Cabbage soup special to the Atkins death breath meat fest. Working for a so-called health magazine that promoted counting calories and losing weight probably didn't help either - I was always tempted to try something new. Typically up and down in weight I never achieved anything other than being tired and miserable.

Fast forward ten years and my approach to eating is now entirely different.  After all TRYalthetes eat and train, they don't diet and exercise! I no longer count calories and worry about my weight so much. However, I still struggle to maintain a balanced and healthy eating regime. That's partly down to my on-the-go lifestyle and my emotional connection with food. Tired, I eat, sad, I eat... you get the picture.

Daily I have to remind myself that I am not a dog - and must not reward my hard training efforts with food! But it's tough love- as it tastes so good! Sugar is my biggest enemy - the minute it touches my lips I'm like a woman possessed! I can laugh and joke about it now, but in the past it has been an unwelcomed issue . Thankfully triathlon has taught me the importance as food for fuel.  You don't put enough gas in - you don't get enough power out, same as if you overload it with the wrong fuel (junk) you're only going to stall or conk out.

Rewind back to February last year -  I literally went cold Turkey for lent and gave up on the sugar with the little help from my friend Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution (he's not really my bosom buddy friend BTW - but he's been kind to me with all his written advice).

So what is this Paleo malarky? (Hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs) But in a nutshell this primal approach to eating is about getting optimal health to us busy and fast paced folk by going back to eating real whole unprocessed foods. Like those skin wearing caveman did!

The way I like to look at it is this; If the cavemen couldn't source the foods themselves from the land e.g. foraging and hunting then I probably shouldn't be eating it. If it comes from a packet, it's not Paleo.  I was strict in my approach being the all-or-nothing girl that I am - but the results were amazing.  I was eating more, not craving sugar and feeling full of energy. Typical meals would be high in protein, low in carbs and full of goodness. I felt shiny and new, Sadly my old habits crept back over time, life took over and my unhealthy eating patterns emerged again. It's hard to be on top of it all!

Back to the here and now again...These first three months of my Ironman journey have been incredible in terms of becoming stronger in body and mind. Nutrition has been my downfall, lets face it ice cream for breakfast after a long run really isn't the choice of champions .  Anyway with less than 12 weeks until the big day I've decided to nail the nutrition.  A great friend of mine recommended The Wild Diet by Abel James.   Essentially it's the same principle as Paelo and primal - offering new recipe ideas and food plans.  The book is not currently released, however you can pick up a lot of stuff from the interweb! I'm on week two of being protein powered and I'm already feeling positive changes to my performance! I'm feeding my body with a bountiful selection of fresh, locally sourced delicious food and enjoying batch cooking and boy it feels great to be healthy. The only thing missing is fuel-on-the-go.  Paleo snacks are very few and far between - unless you have a home bake off.  Well that's what I thought..

In my pursuit to remain a primal princess I contacted Mr @totallyfuelled to see if he stocked any Paleo type bars to help power me through my Ironman event. I'd already considered a few other options but was hugely dissatisfied with the amount of sugar and carbohydrates I'd be consuming throughout the day - seemed like a recipe for a sickly stomach on the run. He came up trumps with a selection of Primal Pantry Bars. Never.  Even. Heard of them. This was an exciting revelation and being a real foodie I couldn't wait try them out this week on a long training ride.

Being a coconut lover - I knew instantly this was going to be my favourite 20km in to the ride I was tearing the stylish coconut and macadamia packet quicker than you could say love at first bite. Admittedly I wasn't expecting it to taste so good, yummy and moist and not at all sickly like many of the other energy bars on the market. I set an alarm on my Garmin 910 to remind me to eat every 45 mins on the bike, because I forget.  I certainly didn't on this ride.  I was clock watching and counting down the minutes til my next primal pig-out! The Almond and Cashew and Hazelnut and Cocoa were both were delicious too and all three bars and powered me through a 100km bike ride with three reps of Sculpture Hill in Goodwood. When I got home I was still brimming with energy I was almost  tempted to don the trainers for a transition run after, but I ran out of time.

I know going completely Paleo may not completely sustainable for all aspects of my training, but I love the fact that I am able to get my hands on a fantastically natural snack.  Question is can I be a Primal Ironchick? Watch this space ...this is research in progress... as I adapt the Primal blueprint to suit my training and fuelling/refuelling needs.

Get your hands on these tasty treats and all your other iron fuel at or @totallyfuelled

Sunday, February 22, 2015

You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know

I have really thrown myself in to this Ironman training... It has been the focus I needed to distract myself from my own thoughts. You see in the past I have been my own worst enemy. I. Can't. Help. It. Sadly, it has always been this way.

Thankfully I discovered triathlon, which has been a huge welcomed distraction. However when I stop for a moment (usually when I've burnt myself out from doing too much) the scabs of my emotional wounds crack and I begin to doubt myself and the self loathing kicks in. Without throwing a pity party I have always struggled with my self esteem. Some people find it hard to believe - surely not me, laughing, joking me.

Well it's true! For years I have played the clown and but on a front and hidden behind a persona - I'm sure it's something we all do to survive! Call it a coping mechanism. Last year I hit an all time low - a culmination of several different things. Amazingly breaking my ankle became a revelation and allowed me to realise that I needed to address some of my inner demons. As did the death of my estranged father, which also had a greater impact than I'd ever imagined. It threw up all sorts of questions, questions that I wanted answered, I just have to accept that I will never have an explanation  - perhaps the universe did not want me to know. But I can't change this - so dwelling on the matter will not solve anything. However, the sadness will never go away. It's how you deal with the shit that life throws at you.

Motivation is how high you bounce back after you have hit absolute rock bottom. I needed a focus to spring back into life and  training for a half ironman helped massively.  It was such a euphoric feeling crossing the finishing line and smashing my expectations. For once in my life I had felt proud of what I had achieved.  Now lets get this straight - none of my results warrant a standing ovation AND I am never going to be a world class athlete. I do this for my own sense of self worth and that's the beauty of triathlon.  It is very personal to each individual - we all have our reasons for taking part in the sport, and those who judge us mediocre folk, should stop and realise everyone out there on the course is fighting their own battle.  Perhaps it has become an obsession of mine, however it's a journey of self discovery and anyone who knocks my dedication will hopefully realise why this is important to me.  I knew the moment I crossed the finishing line at Berlinman, that I wanted to do more - the fire was inside me - I wanted to push my limits.  Self doubt is hugely sabotaging but anyone who takes on the Ironman challenge will realise with self discipline, determination and a strong heart you can beat the shit out of your negative mind chatter head on. I'm not going to lie, it's still comes in waves and I question my strength and ability - this is all part and parcel of the Ironman experience, but I can honestly say the journey is worth the entry fee!  After all. 'Anything is possible'

One thing I've learnt is you've got to make the best of what you have and not look back and wish things had been different. You've just got to keep moving forward. My spiritual healer, and now good friend Clive said that looking back only causes you to feel depressed and looking to far forward creates feelings of anxiousness. No doubt many of you reading can relate to this.  Sometimes you have to look back (however painful) to realise some of the choices and decisions I've made in life have been caused by behavioural patterns or certain circumstances. I have looked back, talked and realised that my previous coping mechanisms have failed...I'm no means fixed, but life is a journey where we continue to develop and learn more about ourselves.  It's the friendships and relationships we encounter throughout our existence that help us to grow, learn more about ourselves and the person we'd like to become.

With every day that passes on my Ironman Journey, I both physically and mentally stronger and I am learning more about myself.  Before IM training there would be days where I was plagued with self doubt, questioning everything.  Strangely enough they are less few and far between since IM mania.  But they still happen and it would be wrong of me to assume this training would be all plain sailing. On days like this I have to have strong words with myself and read through my library of inspiring quotes. 'Believe in yourself and all that you are.  Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle' is one of my favourites.

Friends had warned me about the pitfalls of self coaching and to be wary of the so called burn out - but I expected to remain unscathed - stupid really considering the physical demands of my job and flitting through time zones. This month I experienced my first Ironman low.  We wont give it much publicity but after a few days off training, giving the mind and body some much needed time out I was back on track.  Not punishing yourself is key in all of this! And indeed listening to your body. But so hard to avoid when you've been so good at the self beating banter.  After being awake for 24 hours straight Fri/Sat due to delays at work, I was physically exhausted this weekend.  My body couldn't get enough sleep.  I'd planned a long ride yesterday and the Brighton Half Marathon today - but felt completely wiped out. I listened to my body and gave in and rested with Netflix - but was absolutely gutted to miss the event. It was only ever going to be a training run, but catching up on sleep was more important to my recovery! I did not want another burn out! I have always been shit with balancing it all work/life/training sleep. But I am constantly learning and realising the huge benefits to rest. This ironman experience is not for winging it  - that's for sure and it's a complete juggling act with a full time job.   Exercise has always been a way for me to channel emotions and also feel good releasing the happy inducing endorphins, (happy dolphins).  So when I can't train I go insane (ha ha ha maybe I should get a T shirt printed.)  I have often been accused of becoming obsessive with it all.  Maybe. I am. I prefer dedicated -  there are many people who just don't get it at all but there are just as many people who do. My mentality is 'Be the best that you can be.' If that means making minor sacrifices to achieve your end goal and as long as you're happy with it that's awesome.  After all, come May 23 I don't want to look back and think I could have done better!

So what's been occurring

In the last month I have:
Had a proper bike fit - which has been a revelation and changed the way I cycle
Been to Lanza and banked some quality bike miles
Had my first IM low (we won't mention that again)
Got my race kit sorted including trainers

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Success demands planning and perspective and most importantly PASSION!

Remind yourself nobody is built like you - design yourself!

Following my heart and switching to Lanza Ironman meant a bit of jiggery pokery with all things Ironman this week.  Alongside my usual solid training (The power of three, and I am not talking Davina McColl)  3 x of each discipline swim, bike and run as well as three strength and conditioning sessions my time was spent productively rehashing my race calendar.

What’s even more exciting it now I have THE perfect excuse to get out to Lanza every month in the run up to the big event. After all I’ve got to acclimatize, practice climbing all those thousands of metres in those brutal wind ‘haven’t I?  Goodbye dismal UK winter, hello paradise Island. Yes, I am very, very lucky.  But then I am a firm believer in you live the life you create and it really hasn’t always been this way.  

Although I will probably be saving money in the long run to switching to this event, (cheap flights, accommodation and no bike transportation costs as I am going for the hire option thanks Pro Bike)  I still have to stick to a budget.  This triathlon hobby of mine is rather expensive.  Some may think I live the highlife - but it’s really Champagne lifestyle on lemonade wages.  Coaching, my one luxury took the hit - so I’ve reverted back to self-coached TRY-athlete. Lets hope my choice pays off coaching vs training trips to Lanza every month… your thoughts?

Pulled my finger out this week and with a little help from my book: Start To Finish: 24 Weeks To An Endurance Triathlon and my fantastically knowledgeable triathlon fwiends I’ve formulated my own training prescription. I’m truly blessed to have such helpful and supportive network (hey you guys Gooniestyle - thanks a million) - but that’s the triathlon community for you - just a lovely helpful like-minded bunch of peeps.

Incidentally there’s an AWESOME race planner free with this month’s issue of Outdoor Fitness and having adopted some geek tendencies from a fellow full time cycle geek buddy of mine I’ve pimped it up with highlighter pens and stickers and it now sits proudly above my bed.  There really is no escaping.  Any excuse to buy a bit of stationary too. And with less than 18 weeks to go until the big day… my training/race calendar looks a lot like this T2 minus the colour: (bit like it’s owner, rough around the edges) picture to following when I am back on UK turf.

17th - 18 weeks
24th - 17 weeks
31st - 16 weeks BIG TRAINING WEEK

7th   15 weeks
10th - Go to Lanza Wahoooo ever BIGGER training week
14th - 14 weeks - Volcanic Triathlon in Lanza
21st 13 weeks - Big long 100km plus ride
22nd - Brighton Half Marathon
28th - 12 weeks

7th - 11 weeks
14th - 10 weeks (Easy training week)
19th - Lanza tripette Moderate
21st - 9 weeks -  Tri 122 Middle Distance Race
28th - 8 weeks


4th -7 weeks Big training week
11th -6 weeks -  Biggest hardest training week to date in LANZA
18th - 5 weeks - Easy week - although I am tempted by another race in Lanza this space
25th - 4 weeks

May - holy shit - it’s getting close!!
2nd -3 weeks
9th - 2 weeks - Big training week
16th - 1 week
20th - Start taper fly to Lanza 
23rd It’s SHOW TIME!  (JAZZ hands in the air)
24th - PARTY TIME!

There's still bits to juggle about - if there's a local race and I'm not working, I. Shall. Partake  The plan is to race twice out in Lanzarote so I can get to grips with the climate and test out nutrition and sportwear etc. Far more beneficial than racing in the polar extreme and currently Nordic conditions of the UK. The British tri season only really kicks of in May too - and that's too late for me!
Anyway, I have to stop planning, and writing and start DOING.  I need to feel the wind on my face!  BIKE TIME!  But remember, a goal without a plan - is just a wish!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

If it doesn't challenge you - It doesn't change you!

Travel brings power and love back to your life

For those of you that know me well- travelling and exercise are my drugs of choice.  I’m addicted. I simply cant get quite enough of either. When the shit hits the fan I grab my trainers and runaway (quite literally).  Thankfully, my job and triathlon allow me to feed both of my addictions.

Last year was a toughie and when I couldn’t quite fathom it all out I ran.  Not far, far away but to a place that for some reason has always remained close to my heart. Lanzarote.  If you haven't been. GO.  You. Will. NOT. Regret.

It’s truly magical - spiritual even- it’s the only place I can switch off, relax and feel like ME.  Maybe it’s the vast spacious volcanic terrain, the strength of the wind, which creates crashing and memorizing waves - or just the warm blistering heat, whatever it is me and Lanza have some kind of spiritual connection.

I first visited the rock in 2007 and have repeatedly returned. It's the only place that has a hold over me. I spent three glorious weeks there in July and took the time out from life that I needed to reflect on life, cycling through the lava fields helped me to gain back perspective.

Lanzarote is precious beautiful and SO. Is. Life.  Cherish. Every. God, Darn. Moment - we never know when our time is up.  I also met some inspirational friends for life.  This place pulled me from a dark hole and helped me rekindle my passion and lust for life… with a little help from my new found friends.   I will cherish these memories to my grave.

Travel is a lot like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed.  That is why the best trips, are like the best love affairs, they never really end.  Which is why I keep going back for more.

And what a great way to kick start 2015.  I found myself a lovely apartment with stunning sea views and I spent the first week of January swimming, biking, and running absorbing in the natural beauty and positive energy that the island offers. I fell in love. All. Over. Again.

I slept like a baby - and for hours... and as weird as it sounds, I believe my guardian angel, or higher power came to visit.  On the third night I had the most vivid and strangest experience.  I awoke from a deep sleep to see someone hovering over my bed.  This spirit, or angel, Christ knows what it was - pressed their hands down on my shoulders in a very reassuring way and whispered ‘Everything is just great’. Of course, I knew this already because the moment I stepped off that Airbus A319 - it felt like I was home.   My soul had awakened.

This may sound strange to some of you folk - but since breaking my ankle last year I have become more in tune with my spiritual being - and I have someone to thank for that.  A great friend of my mother's, Clive, who is now a great friend of mine. Anyhow, he gave me spiritual healing throughout my recovery,  placing his healing hands over my broken bone and as if by magic the healing process both mentally and physically became a journey, not a chore. I honestly believe he filled me with strength and tightly knitted 'dat' ankle bone back together to allow me to continue to pursue my dreams with the sport I love.

I contacted him as well as friends as I needed reassurance - what did this visit mean?  I think I kinda knew deep down it was a sign- but wanted confirmation.  I had entered Austria Ironman in the June before I had my life-changing Lanza trip, because I wanted and needed a focus to pursue.  But the destination meant nothing to me - it was all about the journey to IM status. My new found friend, Miss Hollie Cradduck, (@holliecradduck) who is one hell  of an inspiration had already tried to persuade me to change my entry to Lanza.  Funnily enough she had entered into Austria, (weird coincidence, or fate, who knows) but then deferred because she fell in love with the island THAT much she moved there! That, and the legend only went and qualified for Kona, so for her, it was the perfect warm up race.   See, the rock has some kind of magical inexplicable hold on many.  Anyway - - read her amazing journey here:

Clive confirmed what this vision meant: quite simply - I was in safe hands. That was all I needed!

To cut a long story short - it is clear my heart is in Lanza - the dreams, the experiences - the happiness it brings me… meant one thing.  I. HAD. To...  Switch Ironman and do the course - not for anyone else but myself. It has meaning. I am trying to ignore the fact that it is probably the second hardest Ironman course in the world.  But.. if it doesn't challenge you - it doesn't change you!  I know when the going gets tough - my memories will keep me focussed to stay on course to the finish line.

I must mention something else too.  Because it is spooky.  It also echoes how precious life is. One of my closest girlfriends, Gill, visited the island at the end of December with her hubby-to-be and had a horrifically terrifying ordeal.  I won't go in to detail. But the island took care of them and they both live to see another glorious day.  Their wedding is June 28th, which incidentally is the same date as Austria Ironman. Again, another sign. They are beautiful people inside and out and I am  honoured to be able to share their special day with them. So, there you have it. Lanzarote Ironman, I am coming to get you and then I shall go to the ball (Gill and Russ's wedding).... and they all lived happily ever after.  The end.  Well, not, quite... Sadly, life is not a fairy-tale for most.  It is a struggle and a journey but it is who you choose to be at your side every step of the way that makes it all worthwhile. Peace and love to  you all, I have a feeling that 2015 is going to ‘ROCK’.
Para, para...PARADISE - The view from my apartment!